About Jennifer O'Shea

Jennifer is a freelance writer, military wife, motherhood + lifestyles blogger, a mom to a nutty 3-year-old, and a National Board Certified Teacher. She lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, fitness and everything organic. Her blog is Teach.Workout.Love and Instagram.

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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Physical Health in the Winter
Winter is a hard time to stay fit. From festive feasting to failed resolutions, keeping weight off is tough. However,…
Wanderlust: What You Need to Know
Wanderlust: What You Need to Know With winter descending, the season of wellness festivals is upon us. There are many
What You Need to Know About Paleo f(x)
What you need to know about 2018 Paleo f(x) upcoming wellness events
10 Facts You Need to Know about Soul Circus
Featured Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
Do you love yoga and wellness? Have you been searching for a festival to go to? When searching for the
Today’s wellness festival scene is dominated by predominantly women who have a passion for living a healthy life. This may