What Busy Women Can do to Prevent Burnout

prevent burnout

One of the hardest things for most women to do to prevent burnout is simply asking for help:

Women are masters at multitasking, giving their all to their family, friends, and job. There are millions of women who once they arrive home from work, take on the job of being a caregiver, teacher, accountant, chef, designer, landscaper, and nurse – and that’s all in a 24-hour day.

But the constant stress and strain of juggling many different balls in the air at once can take its toll on anybody. This is why anxiety and depression occur twice as much in women as it does in men.

Women who do everything without asking for help are putting themselves at risk of significant burnout that can begin to affect them emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Why some women find it hard to ask for help?

This brings us back to a logical question – why don’t women just ask for more help?  It sounds simple but it’s easier said than done for many:

One reason is the fact many women grew up in households where their mothers took on a major role in childrearing and housekeeping.  Therefore, for some women, it may seem like the norm to take control of household duties without asking anyone to chip in. This is wrong.

The reality is, taking on too many roles can eventually lead to burnout. Which can cause hostility, irritability, and anger towards those you love the most.  Burnout can also lead to fatigue and insomnia as well as feelings of lack of motivation and less joy.

How to get help to prevent burnout without asking

Women with busy lives, who are attempting to do too much need to consider whether it is worth being busy all the time. Plus, consider what kind of role model message you are sharing with your children.

It’s okay to ask for help.  No one should have to do it all.  But when asking is hard to do, how about doing it without asking?  Here’s how:

Learn to say “no” without really saying it – If you always automatically clean up the kitchen by yourself or pick up toys off the floor before bedtime, stop.  Next time, instead of being on autopilot cleaning up, let it slide.  Someone will finally say something and that’s when you can delegate tasks to others.

Take time for yourself – Women are often always thinking of everyone else except for themselves.  They are the ones who keep the family on track with medical appointments, shuttling kids to school activities, grocery shopping, and paying bills.  Everyone else is first while women tend to put themselves last.  It’s time to block off time on your schedule just for you.  It could be going to the gym, taking a walk, or scheduling a routine exam you’ve been putting off.

Be appreciative of how others can help out – You may think it is your responsibility. It isn’t. For instance, instead of feeling obligated that only you can make your children’s beds the right way, let them make their own beds their way.  So what if it isn’t perfect.  How will they ever learn unless they are given the opportunity and chance to learn?

When asked, “do you need some help,” say yes – Invariably, there will be times when your family will notice you are overworked and could use help.  When they ask, say yes.  If they didn’t sincerely want to take a load off of your plate, they wouldn’t have asked.  Gladly take up the offer and together get the tasks done working as a team.

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