What Are The 6 Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety Disorders
Credit: Wokandapix / Pixabay

Credit: Wokandapix / Pixabay

Anxiety disorders can happen to anyone, at any time in their life. Any of the 6 main types of anxiety disorder can be life-altering, debilitating, and relentless:

Yet it’s easy to bundle these serious disorders with the different forms of anxiety and fear people experience in day-to-day life.

FACT: Modern life can be hard but an anxiety disorder is different from these everyday emotions.

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The Difference Between Anxiety And An Anxiety Disorder?

The different anxiety disorders we list below can permanently impact a person’s autonomic nervous system (ANS) through prolonged periods of anxiety.

For most people without an anxiety disorder, the chemicals their body produces when anxious are temporary:

However, someone with an anxiety disorder who regularly suffers anxiety because of certain state and personality traits will flood their system with hormones such as corticosteroids.

These chemicals push the “flight” response from the fight-or-flight responses all humans have:

All forms of anxiety trigger this response but only those with a long-term type of anxiety disorder will end up suffering large-scale damaging effects.

This is the key danger in all kinds of anxiety issues:

Whether the person suffers anxiety for long periods of continuous-time, And how much damage has been done to their system before treatment.

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The 6 Types Of Anxiety

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The symptoms to look out for:

General anxiety disorder is chronic and would be constant.

It can often be linked back to fear, anxiety, and apprehension over certain events.

People suffering from this type of anxiety disorder often seem neurotic and constantly worry.

2. Social Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms to look out for:

People suffering from a social anxiety disorder often end up being scrutinized by those they are letting down in those social settings.

Worst still, in the process of escaping the social setting, the person will create more complex situations and alienate themselves.

3. Separation Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms to look out for:

This is a common anxiety disorder with younger people who have experienced loss.

It becomes less common as people get older, with it being more extreme and cause for concern the older the person is.

Especially if that person should have a certain level of emotional development (adult).

Also Read: The mental side of wellness.

4. Phobia’s

Symptoms to look out for:

A phobia could include fear of snakes, spiders, flying, tight spaces, or anything which triggers the fight-or-flight response.

It is when a phobia takes over a person’s life that it must be dealt with before it becomes a long-lasting anxiety disorder.

5. Agoraphobia

Symptoms to look out for:

Previously, Agoraphobia was considered a panic disorder:

However, its specific symptoms and trigger, which focuses on the feeling a person has that they cannot escape a certain environment, made Agoraphobia its own anxiety disorder.

Despite the trigger being different, a panic attack is often the end result.

6. Panic Disorder

Symptoms to look out for:

The first panic attack can happen for any reason and is a common occurrence amongst people:

Panic attacks are intense, heart-pounding, nerve-shaking experiences, that can lead to extreme sweating, nausea, dizziness, chest pains, and blackouts.

If you suffer from panic attacks, please see your doctor for a full physical evaluation as they can be a sign of other medical problems.

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