10 Ways to Make New Friends While Working for a Remote Job

Syndication: Austin American-Statesman
Mikala Compton/American-Statesman / USA TODAY NETWORK

Remote jobs are advantageous, because you can theoretically move wherever you want to live. If you move away from home though, that means you need to make a new set of friends, especially since you will not have the daily in-person work environment that most other people have. Check out ten ways to make new friends while working remotely, and stay connected in the real world. 

Join a New Club

books club

Be Active through Sports

Jannes Glas

Attend Open Mic Nights

open mic night

Search Online Interest Groups

online interest groups
Sergey Zolkin

Use your Current Network to Expand

Make Friends In A New City

Give Coworking Spaces a Try

Coworking Spaces
Shridhar Gupta

Become a Regular Somewhere

how to make friends in a new city



Utilize Social Media

social media

Attend Cultural Events

cultural events
Hanny Naibah

Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of... More about Alexandria Wyckoff

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