Stay Home With Your Family This Fourth Of July And Have A Blast

Stay Home With Your Family This Fourth Of July And Have A Blast


The Fourth of July is an active and exciting time of year, but this year you might want to avoid the crowds, traffic, and expensive concessions that come along your community celebration and plan a celebration while staying close to home with the family and friends.

There are plenty of activities you can do right at home with your family that will make you feel like you’re not missing out on any of the Independence Day spirit. Make lasting family memories without ever leaving the house. Invite your neighbors if you’re craving a bigger bash!

A Fun Twist On Grilling Out

Grilling out is a classic summer activity and of course, there will be burgers and hot dogs, but this year try putting a fun spin on the menu by finding out everyone’s favorite summer must-have dishes.

Offering a menu that includes a contribution from everyone will make it memorable for everyone and offer the chance to learn more about each other! If you’re lucky, it may even spark some extra helping hands in the kitchen.

Outdoor Means More

Outdoor activities are the perfect way for families to enjoy the beautiful summer sun. Set up a sprinkler, slip-n-slide, or small pool for the kids to cool off and set up lawn chairs for parents and grandparents to watch the endless entertainment. Don’t forget the red, white and blue popsicles and sunscreen!

Nature walks or scavenger hunts are an exciting way to keep everyone active and involved during the day. Building sheet forts, is another awesome, not to mention affordable, way to create a magical summer evening. If you’re lucky and it stays up all night, use it to camp out in your backyard.

Related: Top Fourth Of July Activities For The Entire Family

Creative Patriotism

A messy art and crafts activity with the kiddos can be a great way to inspire the patriotic spirit. Not only will you make lasting memories, but you’ll have a souvenir to hold on to for years to come.

Red, White, and Blue Tye Dye Shirts are the perfect 4th of July craft for the whole family. Each shirt will end up with a fun and unique pattern. If you make them ahead of time, you can even wear them together later in the evening! Alpha Mom gives us a classic step by step guide on how to create the most beautiful 4th of July Tye Dye Tees.

If you are spending this year with babies or young children, they can still be part of the festivities. Finger-painting and painting hand and footprints on large pieces of paper outside can be so much fun and its a great way to tire them out before bedtime.

Safe Backyard Sparkle

For many, it wouldn’t be the 4th of July without a little spark! Incorporating fireworks into your backyard home celebration can sound exciting but it can be very dangerous. Consider building a contained bonfire to enjoy together as an alternative, and roast marshmallows for s’mores!

Using safe alternatives to fireworks, such as glow sticks instead of sparklers, is another way to make sure no one gets hurt this summer. If your Independence Day absolutely wouldn’t be complete without a few small fireworks, Safe Ride 4 Kids tells us that following these basic 4th of July Safety Tips will help keep everyone safe and happy this 4th of July.

Read Next: The Gadgets You Must Have for Your Next Summer Party

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