Top 5 Fourth Of July Activities For The Entire Family

fourth of july


There’s so much excitement around the Fourth of July and parents around the United States want to make their summer celebration fun and memorable for their children. Go beyond the classic elements like fireworks, parades, and cookouts and make this year really stand out with some of these top Fourth of July activities for the entire family.

Make Your Own Summer Treats

What would summer celebrations be without cool, sweet treats? There are so many fun recipes to create outside in the summer sun! Try making homemade ice-cream in a coffee can or adding blueberries, strawberries and whipped topping to almost any dessert recipe to show off your patriotic spirit!

Soundtrack Sing-A-Long

Have your family members create a list of favorite, family-friendly summer songs

play it on shuffle and don’t leave out the kids! Play your soundtrack on shuffle during your backyard party and make a game out of guessing who chose the song! Keep a list of the songs for years to come to look back and have a laugh.

Related: Rainy-Day Movies for the Fourth of July

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are fun anywhere and for any age. Whether you’re going to a community celebration, nature walk, or hanging out at home it is easy to make up a fun list for your or you can print an easy 4th of July Scavenger hunt list off the web.

Join Teams With Another Family

Pairing up with another family can be a great way to make your holiday more exciting. Turn your scavenger hunt into a family team event for some fun competition or hold a food cook-off and have everyone judge the dishes and vote at the end!

Including another family in your holiday plans can also help relieve having full responsibility of providing food and supplies for your party. It also allows the kids to play together and gives parents the chance to bond and share together some of their fondest childhood 4th of July memories.

Celebrating With Small Children

If you have small children, the busy crowds and summer sun might make leaving home to celebrate sounds stressful. Staying close to home this Fourth of July can still be tons of fun! Set up a sprinkler or small pool in the yard to cool off! Provide some stars and stripes pinwheels or party poppers to keep things safe and exciting, and when the sun goes down, have a laser light show or hand out glow sticks!

Read Next: How To Celebrate The Fourth of July With The Entire Family

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