How to Increase Your Income While at Home

extra income

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned many of our lives upside down, and that may include a hit to your finances while increasing your responsibilities at home (homeschooling!).  The added stress may have you searching for ways to bring in more money. Thankfully, there are many industries and practices that will withstand the effects of the pandemic, and there are many creative ways that parents can bring in extra income online during this difficult time.

Target Companies Who Are Actively Hiring During the Virus

The virus has upended the restaurant, service, and travel industries. However, if you are in the position to seek an in-person position, there are several companies who have stepped up to the plate to actively hire new workers. According to NBC, companies actively hiring include: Amazon, Costco, CVS Health, and Walmart. Amazon is opening 100,000 new positions and increasing their hourly wage, CVS Health is holding their “most ambitious hiring drive in the company’s history”, and Walmart has announced $550 million in cash bonuses to help their employees. If you are seeking an in-person, these could be great options.

Capitalize on Your Skills Through Freelance

Freelancing has become increasingly popular as people began to realize that they could monetize their skills more effectively on their own. You likely have a skill, whether it’s graphic design, writing, or you’ve honed a technical skill such as Excel. Now, we have to be realistic. The freelance job market has been just as shaken up as other professions have during this time. However, it could also be the perfect time to dive into exploring creating your own freelance business, as you likely have a little bit more free time than before. To dip your toes in the water, try a site such as UpWork or Fiverr that allow you to apply to jobs at your own pace.

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Teach English Remotely

Teaching English online is a job opportunity that many of us didn’t even know we have. Teaching online can give you a ton of flexibility and pays pretty well. In order to be accepted for a teaching position, you will probably need English as your first language and hold a bachelor’s degree. Here are several different teaching-from-home programs to determine if any of them are a good fit for you.

Cash Through Decluttering

In our opinion, Ebay and Craigslist are two heavily underutilized platforms. Whatever you have laying around that you don’t use anymore, chances are that you can find someone out there who’s ready to buy it off of you. Since we’re homebound and have more time for home improvement projects and such, you can tackle the playroom or garage and find a few items you can list online for some quick pocket cash. Be on the lookout for old textbooks, electronics, or gift cards as well, as there are sites out there that can quickly and reliably buy them off of you. For example, Amazon Trade In will purchase your old books and Cardpool will buy unused or partially-used gift cards.

Go Through Your Closet

You can also use this free time to sift through your closet and figure out which pieces you just aren’t wearing anymore. Sustainable fashion is more popular now than ever, and sites such as Poshmark, thredUP, and Depop are growing quickly. In fact, the secondhand clothing industry has skyrocketed to $16 billion. I bet if you were to open your closet right now, you would be able to find a few pieces that you’re willing to part with. Pieces can be both worn or new with tags.

Learn a New Professional Skill

While it may not directly translate to more income right now, more downtime can be used to develop professional skills that make you more marketable. As an incentive, many programs are offering free or discounted premiums to encourage unemployed persons to spend time on professional development. Adobe is giving free at home access to the Creative Cloud, General Assembly is offering a free Intro to Coding class, Loom has made its “Pro” program free, and LinkedIn is offering free professional classes. These are worth a serious shot in the name of using your time at home productively.

We’re all in this together. As our routines shift day by day, there are widespread opportunities to find a new opening, develop your professional skills, or bring in some extra cash with items you already have at home. This will pass, and we can make sure that we come out financially stable if not stronger.  

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