Host a Wine Tasting — It’s Simple and So Fun!

Host a Wine Tasting -- It's Simple and So Fun!

Wine tastings are so fun and can be super easy to pull together.

Oh sure, you can hold a formal tasting.  Line glasses up on a preprinted placemat, atop a white table cloth so you can see the color of the wine, pour one at a time and discuss.

Those tastings can be very informative.

But wine tastings can also be totally informal, impromptu and more importantly inexpensive.

So listen in and I’ll give you some  quick, easy guidelines.  Then just invite some friends and have some fun! And please remember to put out pitchers of water and help your guests get rides home if they are having too much fun.

1. Three Wines and a Theme

Three wines are enough to show some variety and yet still be manageable.  But pick a theme.  For instance: Three Rosés.  Or three Sauvignon Blancs.  Or pick a country, ex: three wines from South Africa.  You can even pick one wine and a three different years.  Be creative.

2. Hide the Labels

Cover the bottles — you can even wrap them in paper bags or aluminum foil — because you don’t want the labels to influence your guests’ decisions.  You can also pour the wines into decanters or pitchers.  Just be sure to number the pitchers to match the wines.

3. Offer Some Food

You definitely need some crackers or bread around so people can cleanse their palate and not get too tipsy. And if you want, put out a few cheeses, some grapes and nuts and you’ll look like a pro.

4. Spit Buckets.

Not everyone is going to like every wine. So make sure you have a bucket, pitcher or even plastic cups around so people can spit if they want.

5. No Outside Scents.

Skip the potpourri and the cigars. Those strong scents confuse your nose and taste buds.

And that’s it!  Then all you have to do is start tasting your wines.  Remember to use the 5’s: See. Swirl. Smell. Sip. Savor.  And leave some note cards and a few pens around in case people want to jot down their thoughts.

We guarantee your friends will be impressed and have a blast.  Even better, you may introduce someone to a new favorite wine.


Tracy Byrnes has what many might call a dream gig, matching a career as an experienced and well-respected business... More about Tracy Byrnes

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