Bigger is Better: Large Format Bottles are Worth It

Bigger is Better: Large Format Bottles are Worth It

Size matters. Bigger really is better. Especially when it comes to wine.

Bigger wine bottles – or large format, as the insiders call them — are just better for your wine.

They protect your wine from the things that can damage it – like light, heat, drastic changes in temperature or vibrations from travel.

The bigger bottles have thicker glass than regular-sized bottles, says Raimondo Boggia, managing partner of Obica Mozzarella Bar, Pizze e Cucina, whose Flatiron location just started a large format program.

So that means more protection.

Related: Perfect Beach Wines

More importantly, “the larger bottles allow the wine to age more slowly and gracefully,” says Joe Campanale, executive beverage director/co-founder of Epicurean Group.

That’s because the larger volume of wine has a smaller surface area to the cork.

 Read more here to find out why.

Also should you should order large format bottle in a restaurant? Or buy one as an investment?  Read on.


And you know I would love to hear your thoughts on this, the wines you are drinking or anything else…so send a quick note!  Thanks!

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