Should You Beaujolais Nouveau this Nov 19?

So every November — at one past midnight on the third Thursday of the month — over a million cases of Beaujolais Nouveau are shipped throughout the world.

It has become a marketing phenomena  — thanks mainly to Georges DuBoeuf because he made a party out of it.

But basically, its a super young wine — harvested in September each year and bottle and shipped by the middle of November — every year.

Sure you can go to Beaujolais Nouveau parties — and you should.  But whether you should by the wine is up for debate.

So listen below to my other suggestions.  Happy Beaujolais Whatever Day!


And you know I would love to hear your thoughts on this, the wines you are drinking or anything else…so send a quick note!  Thanks!

Tracy Byrnes has what many might call a dream gig, matching a career as an experienced and well-respected business... More about Tracy Byrnes

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