4 Ways to Promote Wellness in Your Home Office

Work consumes a large portion of our days, and even while many of us are working from home, it is still a good idea to think about promoting a healthy mind and body during our working hours.

Happiness, friendliness, and cooperation are all vital to your company’s success, and with a few changes and adjustments to your home workspace, you can create a healthy environment for everybody.

Here we have gathered 4 ideas about how to promote wellness in your home office.

1. Redesign Your Workspace

Having a workspace thats let in a lot of natural light brightens the work environment. If possible try to design your homework space so that walls do not block natural light.

Adding plants in your office space can help cleanse the air while refreshing your mind, and can add a little earthy decor.

Also, try writing inspiring messages on post-it notes and leave them around your home office for encouragement.

2. Schedule Exercise Breaks

Implementing new practices into your homework culture will eventually become a part of the norm. Russo suggests using balance balls instead of chairs, encouraging the use of pedometers, having height-adjusted standing desks as an alternative, and setting walking goals can all improve your daily mind functions and overall well-being.

3. Rethink Your Dress Code

Instead of staying in your sweats all day, dress as if going to the office:

The downside of working from home is that unless you are working with a client or via webcam, your dress is likely to relax from office wear to jeans, and ultimately end up with super-casual attire.

Amazingly, well-fitted clothing often drives motivation to exercise, as tight pants and unfastenable buttons are the warning signs of weight gain. Without these well-fitted clothes, that first warning size to get moving is gone.

Try switching up your look so sweats and a tee don’t become your everyday uniform. Turn your daily outfit into a game or challenge for yourself. Try a week where each day signifies a different attitude and dress the “tude”!

4. Keep Healthy Snacks Nearby

Instead of keeping candy and sweets nearby, make sure there are always healthier choices — like fruit — to snack on.

Unhealthy foods will add up over time, so opting for healthy choices will greatly improve the wellness of you and your entire family.

Everyone in your family will feel less tempted to indulge when there is a bowl of pretzels and carrot sticks instead of a tray of cupcakes in the fridge.


With a few adjustments, your office can be a happier and friendlier environment.

Remember, your overall wellness is essential for your success, so encouraging your entire family to make healthy choices will help your home life and your professional life, especially now that the two are one!

Hetti Misenti, a seasoned writer for FamilyProof.com, brings her unique perspective on family finances and lifestyle to our readership.... More about Hetti Misenti

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