Vitamins are common, target different ailments, and are taken by millions of people daily:
If you are currently taking vitamins, you must have wondered “how long does it take for vitamins to work?”
And if you’re looking for a quick answer, vitamins are absorbed in a few hours and have an immediate effect.
However, no one is the same, and several factors determine the time taken for a vitamin to work efficiently.
How deficient your levels are?
If an individual is vitamin-deficient, then the vitamins taken would take longer to take effect.
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The type of supplement taken
The type of supplement plays a major role in determining the speed at which it is absorbed and impactful:
For instance, a vitamin taken in liquid form has a greater effect than one taken as a solid capsule because the body takes more time to break the capsule down into easily absorbed vitamins.
Another aspect is that capsules and tablets offer specific concentrations, whereas liquid and powder formulas will vary as the amount is taken or process to make can vary per dose.
Consider granulated supplements, as they allow for many nutrients to be delivered together without blocking the absorption process.
Water and Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-soluble means that the vitamins require fats to be absorbed. This is usually achieved by taking the nutrients with a meal.
Fat-soluble vitamins aren’t usually taken in large quantities and are stored in the body’s fat and slowly release over time.
Alternatively, water-soluble vitamins, dissolve in water and can be easily absorbed by the body due to the speed of which they are processed.
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Nutrient Pairings
The majority of vitamins are interrelated to nutrients, and this will impact how they work:
For instance, vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb Calcium so when an individual is suffering from low levels of vitamin D, they will automatically build calcium levels.
Other examples include the absorption of plant-based iron along with vitamin C and Vitamin B6. These rely on zinc to function optimally – and as zinc levels improve, the absorption of iron and vitamins also hastens.

Lifestyle and Habits
With changing times and changing trends, lifestyles and habits change too. Consumption and exercise play a big role in the natural processes of a body.
For instance, alcohol and smoking disturb the equilibrium of the body. Which in turn makes the body take longer to process some vitamins.
Additionally, the consumption of caffeine alters the absorption process of certain nutrients. Did you know that it is recommended to consume caffeine 60-minutes before or after taking supplements?
Health Issues
The health history of an individual plays a pivotal role in determining the time taken for a vitamin to be absorbed.
For instance, people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tracts are unable to absorb certain vitamins due to the insufficient concentration of hormones or intrinsic factors indirectly increasing the body’s requirements.
The consistency of taking vitamins and supplements
It is important to note that vitamins are not magic pills that show their effects in a second. It takes time for these supplements to show their effects:
Therefore, it is crucial that people stay the course with their vitamins, especially if prescribed by the doctor.
The time taken by the supplements depends upon a variety of factors. And the more the individual is vitamin deficit the longer it will take to see a difference in mental and physical health:
Over time, taking vitamins will help the body – but that could take anywhere between a few hours and several weeks.