About Cassandra Daniels

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game night
Playing games for at least 30 minutes with your kids is vital for their development. Find out why every family needs game night.
If you know someone who hoards, or if you have started hoarding yourself, check out this post to see how it might be impacting friends and family.
building savings
If you have a large family everything costs more and saving can be tricky. Find out how to build your savings with these top tips.
teen acne
The adolescence period can bring a lot of physical changes to a person. One of these changes is evident in
Keeping Your Family Healthy By Improving Your Indoor Air
Most people are aware of the dangers of outdoor air pollution, but having poor air quality inside the home may
A Guide To Eating Out On Vacation With Young Children
When on vacation, 63% of Americans like to eat out, trying new and interesting food. If you are dining out with little ones though, it can sometimes…
road trip
Family road trips remain one of the most popular vacation options in the U.S. According to New York University’s U.S.